struggling to break free of an addiction?
Get started on your recovery now by taking advantage of all that Jackson has to offer.
Save a Life, Carry Narcan
narcan (Naloxone) locations

What is naloxone (narcan)?
Naloxone, also known by the brand name Narcan, is a medication that can reverse an opioid overdose. Narcan works by blocking the effects of opioids on the brain and restoring breathing to prevent death. Narcan is so safe, that even if you’re not sure if it's an opioid overdose or another medical condition, administering Narcan will not cause harm.
What are opioids?
Opioids are a class of highly addictive drugs used to reduce pain. They include prescription and illegal opioids such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, morphine, heroin, and fentanyl.
Fentanyl is 50x stronger than heroin and has been found in every illegal substance including meth and cocaine.
What are overdose symptoms?
Look for a pale face, limp body, blueish lips or nails, vomiting, gurgling, drowsiness, unconsciousness, slow breathing, slow heartbeat, and muscle spasms.
save a life, carry Narcan
Naloxone (Narcan) can save a life and is available without a prescription at FREE vending machines in Jackson County.
NARCAN Training
Home of New Vision - Jackson Area Recovery Community
Call to schedule a training for your business, organization, or group.
Visit 407 W. Michigan Ave, Jackson, MI 49201
Call (517) 788-5596
Click HomeofNewVision.org/jarc
narcan Vending machine
1208 Greenwood Free Methodist Church
1208 Greenwood Ave
Jackson, MI 49203
Lakeside Liquor
506 5th Street
Michigan Center, MI 49254
Barto’s Wildcat Creek Country Store
6121 Seymour Road
Jackson, MI 49201
Jackson County Airport
3606 Wildwood Ave
Jackson, MI 49202
Family Service & Children’s Aid
330 W. Michigan Ave.
Jackson, MI 49201
(517) 787-7920
212 E Biddle St,
Jackson, MI 49203
Grass Lake Fire Department
12222 E Michigan Ave.
Grass Lake, MI 49240
Grass Lake Rest Area 818
10750 Cedar Knoll Dr.
Grass Lake, MI 49240
Home of New Vision - JXN Harm Reduction
434 Wildwood Ave.
Jackson, MI 49201
(517) 513-3341
Jackson County Health Department
1715 Lansing Ave.
Jackson, MI 49202
(517) 787-7920
Jackson County Jail
212 W Wesley St
Jackson, MI 49201
Jackson County Friend of the Court
1697 Lansing Ave
Jackson, MI 49202
Jets Hangar Jackson College
2111 Emmons Rd.
Jackson, MI 49201
Seed Cellar
1620 E Michigan Ave.
Jackson, MI 49202
Andy’s Place Apartments
2104 W Michigan Ave.
Jackson, MI 49202
Barry Road Rives Junction Rest Area
Southbound US-127
South of exit 51 Berry Rd
Seek Medical Assistance
Treatment Providers

What is addiction or a Substance Use Disorder?
Addiction, also known as a substance use disorder, is a treatable, chronic, medical disorder involving complex interactions between brain chemicals, genetics, environment, developmental or social exposures, and life experiences. Recovery is possible!
Henry Ford Jackson Addiction Recovery Center
Partial & full day treatment; residential treatment; sub-acute detoxification; family counseling & support; treatment of dual diagnosis; and medical, psychological and psychiatric support and consultation.
Host a variety of 12-step programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, Al-Anon (for family members) and CODA (18 & older only). These meetings are free and open to the public.
Visit 2424 W. Washington Ave, Jackson, MI 49203
Call (517) 782-4001
Click HenryFord.com
Henry Ford Jackson Tobacco Cessation Services
Tobacco cessation services, resources, education, and secondhand smoke information.
Visit 205 N. East Ave. Jackson, MI 429201
Call (517) 205-7444
Click HenryFord.com
Home of New Vision Engagement Center
The Engagement Center is a short-term crisis intervention facility that provides a supervised, supportive setting for individuals with substance use and co-occurring disorders. Open 24/7, the Jackson Engagement Center offers a safe, clean, welcoming environment where clients can stabilize, have a meal, take a shower, and talk to caring staff and volunteers about their situations.
Visit 432 Wildwood Ave, Jackson, MI 49201
Call (517) 513-3955
Home of New Vision JXN Harm Reduction (HNV-JHR)
HNV- JHR promotes harm reduction practices and overdose prevention including safer use supplies, Narcan distribution, overdose prevention education, safer sex education, condom distribution, HIV & Hep C testing, syringe disposal, referrals and resources.
Visit 434 Wildwood Ave, Jackson, MI 49201
Hours Tuesday or Thursday from 4-6pm or Saturday from 2-4pm.
Mobile Unit Hours & Locations Mondays & Wednesdays
360 Cooper St. Jackson, MI 49201, 10 am-12:30pm
701 Greenwood Ave. Jackson, MI 49203, 1;30-4pm.
Call (517) 513-3341
Click JXNHarmReduction.org
Provides comprehensive substance use disorder and mental health services including but not limited to Intensive Outpatient SUD Services, Outpatient Services for SUD and Mental Health, Family Recovery Support Group, Case Management for SUD, Peer SUD Support, and specialty SUD services for pregnant women and women/men with children. Also, services for youth for SUD and mental health. Specializes in Trauma Services for youth and adults also.
Visit 330 W. Michigan Ave, Jackson, MI 49201
Call (517) 787-7920
Click Strong-Families.org
Mental Health Services: Access, Crisis, Outpatient Therapy, Case Management, Supports Coordination, Medical Services
24-Hour Access Crisis Line (800) 284-8288
Visit 1200 N West Ave. Jackson, MI 49202
Call (517) 789-1200
Click LifeWaysMI.org
Victory Clinical Services Jackson
Medical & counseling services to individuals addicted to opiate drugs. Methadone & suboxone maintenance and medically supervised withdrawal.
Visit 3300 Lansing Ave. Jackson, MI
Call (517) 784-2929
Click VictoryClinic.com
Work with a professional

Henry Ford Jackson Hospital
Going through an emotional, psychological, or chemical dependency crisis?
Get a thorough and confidential interview. Then get connected to appropriate treatment and services.
24-Hour Access Crisis Line (800) 531.3728
Visit 205 N. East Ave, Jackson, MI 49201
Call (517) 205-5971
Click Henryford.org
Mental Health Services: Access, Crisis, Outpatient Therapy, Case Management, Supports Coordination, Medical Services
24-Hour Access Crisis Line (800) 284-8288
Visit 1200 N West Ave. Jackson, MI 49202
Call (517) 789-1200
Click LifeWaysMI.org
A variety of behavioral health programs including individual and family counselling, as well as substance abuse counselling.
Visit 330 W. Michigan Ave, Jackson, MI 49201
Call (517) 787-7920.
Click Strong-Families.org
Catholic Charities of Jackson
Individual, family and marital counseling services related to substance use disorder, domestic violence, abuse and neglect, ADHD, behavior issues, depression, anxiety disorders, grief/loss, relationships, sexual offenses, eating disorder, self-harmful behavior and a variety of other issues and/or disorders.
Visit 3425 Francis St. Jackson, MI 49203
Call (517) 782-2551.
Click CatholicCharitiesJLHC.org
DoChas II
Counseling, consulting, case management, assessment services for children ages 6-19 years, primarily middle and high school youth.
Call (517) 788-4605
24 Hr Parent Crisis Line: (800) 942.4357
24 Hr Youth Runaway Assistance: (800) 292.4517
Grow alongside others
Support Groups

Home of New Vision Jackson Area Recovery Community
A strong voice for those who pursue life in recovery from substance use disorders.
Speaking of Recovery Meeting | Monday and Wednesday at 1:30 PM
Women's Recovery Meeting | Wednesday at 5:30 PM
Refuge Recovery | Friday at 1:30 PM
Visit 407 W. Michigan Ave, Jackson, MI 49201
Call (517) 788-5596
Click HomeofNewVision.org/jarc
Alocholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, and available almost everywhere. There are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about his or her drinking problem.
Click to find a meeting near you Area32d2.org
Call the Jackson Area Answering Service 517-789-8883.
Al-Anon Groups
Al-Anon is a worldwide fellowship of men and women from all walks of life who have been affected by the family disease of alcoholism. Some were born into an alcoholic family and lived in that situation their entire lives, while others encountered alcoholism later in life through various experiences.
Click to find a meeting near you Al-Anon.org
Narcotics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous offers recovery from the effects of addiction through working a twelve-step program, including regular attendance at group meetings. The group atmosphere provides help from peers and offers an ongoing support network for addicts who wish to pursue and maintain a drug-free lifestyle. NA’s approach makes no distinction between drugs including alcohol. Through all of their service efforts and cooperation with others seeking to help addicts, they strive to reach a day when every addict in the world has an opportunity to experience our message of recovery.
Click to find a meeting near you NA.org
Call (800) 230-4085
Family Service and Children’s Aid
Family Group | Mondays 5:30-7 p.m.
This is an open group for individuals with challenges or issues related to substance use, co-occurring disorders, and mental health. This group provides a safe environment for families and supports ages 14 and older, to talk about communication, support, self-care, and various other topics. There is support available from the therapist and peer in recovery, if needed.
Peer Recovery Meetings
Co-Ed Tuesdays 2-3 p.m.
Women Only Thursdays 2-3 p.m.
New Evening groups-Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday 5pm-8pm
These are open peer led meetings, providing an understanding environment for individuals to talk about issues related to their personal recovery pathway, supporting each other in an all-inclusive environment.
Visit 330 W. Michigan Ave, Jackson, MI 49201
Call (517) 787-7920
Click Strong-Families.org
Families for HOPE (Heroin Opioid Prevention Effort)
Meeting Quarterly 5:30 PM - 6:45 PM
Andy's Place 2104 W Michigan Ave, Jackson, MI 49202
Support group for family members of loved ones suffering from opiate addiction, either heroin or prescription opioid addiction.
Connie Fridd | (517) 812-9883 | cfridd@kamachine.com
Julie Risner | (517) 745-0199
Mike Hirst | (517) 206-8563
SOAR Café and Farms
Call 517-914-5554
Click SoarCafeandFarms.com
*Please call to confirm dates and times.
Discard Unused or Expired Medications
Drop Box Locations

Prescription drug Safe Disposal
When using prescription drugs, it is important to use safe practices to prevent medication misuse and help save the environment. Do not keep medicines once you are finished taking them. Do not flush medicines. Instead, dispose of them at a local drop box.
216 E Washington Ave, Jackson
(517) 788-4100
Every day: 7 AM - 6 PM
119 N Lake St., Grass Lake
(517) 522-4500
107 Teft Rd., Spring Arbor
(517) 750-2913
Mon, Wed, Fri 9 AM - 4 PM
212 W Wesley St, Jackson
(517) 768-7900
Mon-Fri: 8 AM - 4:30 PM
8500 Jefferson Rd, Brooklyn
(517) 592-3122
Mon - Fri: 8 AM - 12 PM
6755 Brooklyn Rd., Napoleon
(517) 536-8694
Mon-Thurs 7 AM -5 PM
3401 Cooper St, Jackson
(517) 780-4580
Mon-Fri: 8 AM - 4 PM
2777 Airport Rd., Jackson
(517) 783-0010
3333 E Michigan Ave., Jackson
(517) 783-0210
505 N Jackson St, Jackson
(517) 748-5400
Mon-Fri: 8 AM - 5:30 PM
1314 N West Ave, Jackson
(517) 783-1803
Mon-Fri: 8 AM - 10 PM
Sat & Sun: 9 AM - 9 PM