2024 Advancing Behavioral Health Summit
Thank you for atteNDING the 2024 summit! See you in 2025!
The Advancing Behavioral Health Summit focuses on Mental Health. Drug Prevention, and Trauma informed Care.
The aims of the Advancing Behavioral Health Summit (ABHS) are to create awareness about behavioral health by educating community partners, reducing stigma, and building community capacity to support individuals affected by the co-occurring disorders of mental health and substance use. The event offers a variety of session topics covering substance use prevention, treatment and recovery, mental health, suicide prevention, and trauma-informed care.
Any questions can be directed to Rebecca Calkins, Rcalkin1@hfhs.org.
Session Descriptions
Medication Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder with Buprenorphine: What You Need to Know
Dr Alan Lazzara
After the lecture attendees, should be able to answer/describe the following:
Describe the mechanism of action (MOA), pharmacokinetics, and safety of buprenorphine
How does buprenorphine compare to previous medications for opioid use disorder
How to manage acute opioid withdrawal with buprenorphine
Describe a COWS (clinical opioid withdrawal scale) scale
Describe buprenorphine induction and initial dosing
Direct patients to places to obtain a buprenorphine prescription or induction
EM:RAP: Opioid Abuse and Buprenorphine
Buprenorphine (Bup) Emergency Department Quick Start
Buprenorphine Administration in the Emergency Department
Acute Pain Management in Patients on Buprenorphine (Bup) Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
Stigma Reduction and Narcan Education
Rebecca Calkins & Brooke Cross
This training will empower everyone to carry Narcan (Naloxone) with the knowledge and tools to potentially save a life during an opioid overdose emergency. Attendees will learn
How to recognize the signs and symptoms of an opioid overdose
How to administer Narcan (naloxone) nasal spray effectively
The essential steps to take in an opioid overdose emergency
The basics of the science of addiction
How language, stigma, and shame can effect anyone's recovery.
Sextortion: Identifying Risk Factors and Mitigating Sextortion’s Harmful Effects on Our Youth
Grace Denig
This presentation is an educational tool for youth, parents, caregivers, and teachers in our community. This presentation will teach participants how to identify and prevent sextortion in our community by having open communication with our youth regarding social media and internet safety. This presentation will review risk factors, preventative measures, and also provide resources for targets of sextortion.
Preventing & De-Escalating High-Intensity Behaviors
Denae Tracy
In this training, participants will learn about the stages of escalation and de-escalation and practical strategies to implement at each stage to help individuals be successful in regaining control. This interactive training also discusses prevention strategies, as well as how to conduct a successful debriefing session after an incident occurs.
Suicide: An Exploration of Prevention and Postvention Strategies
Gracy Denig
The 'Suicide: An Exploration of Prevention and Postvention Strategies' presentation will examine preventative and remedial strategies at the individual and community level. Participants will learn how to promote safety, how to promote access to resources, and how to promote access to supports following a suicide within their community.
Improving Health Outcomes by Addressing Social Determinants of Health
Denae Tracy
In this presentation, participants will become familiar with 5 key social determinants of health: economic stability, education, social and community context, health & health care, and neighborhood and build environment. These social determinants of health will also be applied to inequities in order to identify how to improve health outcomes.
Harm Reduction 101
Branda Page & John Grzesikowski
The session aims to educate, empower, and inspire others to adopt a harm reduction approach in their work and lives. The presentation will share the principles and values of harm reduction, such as respect, compassion, self-determination, and human rights. The evidence and benefits of harm reduction inventions, including overdose prevention, syringe exchange, and medication-assisted treatment, will be discussed. The challenges and barriers to implementing harm reduction include stigma, discrimination, criminalization, and lack of funding and resources. Best harm reduction practices include building trust, engaging with a diverse population, addressing co-occurring issues, and collaborating with other providers and stakeholders.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Identification and Interventions
Rachael Snyder
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs) are a group of conditions that can occur in a person who was exposed to alcohol before birth. These effects can include physical, behavior and learning difficulties. FASD can often go undetected as these individuals look like their peers. In this training, participants will learn about the varying impacts of FASD, how to identify someone who may be living with FASD and specific strategies for how to intervene and provide support.
Marijuana: Law Enforcement Challenges
Trooper Joshua Tinkle
Marijuana ease of access to underage youth, billboard advertising, growing black market access, and attractive packaging. Review of Michigan statute for driving under the influence, timeline of drugged driving traffic crash statistics and young driver statistics and implementation of various marijuana laws. Challenges of enforcement of operating under the influence of marijuana and reading between the lines of crash statistics for a better picture. Strategies for education and current political environment.
Veteran Resources
Randy Evans & Doug Brinker
Participants can learn what resources are available to them on a local, county, State, and Federal level. They will also learn the how to access community services while receiving VA benefits.
Cannabis and Youth: What We Wish We Didn't Know
Ken Dail
We will be talking about the myths and facts that are swirling in the air around young people and cannabis us. It has been marketed as everything from a cure for cancer to a way to "Fix the Damn Roads." And somewhere in all of the information overload are three simple truths about cannabis that we just can't ignore. Especially when we are considering our youth.
Caregiver Burnout: How to Recognize, Address, and Avoid It
Martha York
As professionals, care partners, or people responsible for the care of others, we need to manage the demands of caregiving without compromising our own health and wellness. If one doesn’t learn to manage the stressful demands of caregiving, they can experience “burn out” when there are too many demands on their energy, strength, or resources over a period of time. Attendees will learn how to recognize signs of caregiver burnout, compassion fatigue, and stress, how to address and avoid burnout, and how to prioritize self-care.
Prisoner Reentry: Understand Your Community
Adam Grant
Learn more about community members who are returning from incarceration. Even when people try to be invisible, they want to be seen on some level.
Crafting a shame-sensitive practice
Emme Dreysse
Understanding the roots of shame and the language surrounding it. Ways we can encourage shame-sensitive practices with ourselves and the populations we work with.
Speaker Biographies
Dr. Alan Lazzara
Emergency Medicine Core Faculty
Henry Ford Jackson
Dr. Alan Lazzara completed his emergency medicine residency at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 2014. He has served as an emergency medicine physician and core faculty for the emergency medicine residency at Henry Ford Jackson, MI since 2014. Dr. Lazzara is board certified in emergency medicine, Fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians, and a Fellow of the Academy of Wilderness Medicine. He is a happily married to a wonderful emergency department social worker.
Rebecca Calkins
Community Project Coordinator
Drug Free Jackson
Rebecca Calkins is the Community project coordinator for Drug Free Jackson and Most Teens Don’t at Henry Ford Jackson Hospital. She is a graduate of Ball State University with bachelor’s degree in advertising and French and Full Sail University with a master’s degree in digital marketing. She is also involved in the community with the Jackson County Suicide Prevention Coalition and Jackson Pride board member,
Brooke Cross
Jackson Area Recovery Community Coordinator
Home of New Vision
Brooke Cross is the Jackson Area Recovery Community Coordinator for the Home of New Vision and chair person for Drug Free Jackson. She enjoys volunteering her time with local non-profits. Brooke is studying for her Bachelor of Social Work degree at Eastern Michigan University. Brooke loves working within her community to support the Recovery Movement.
Grace Denig
Community Training Specialist
Grace Denig is an alumnus of Columbia Central Schools and obtained her bachelor's in psychology from Central Michigan University. Grace has previous experience working with children with ASD in Jackson County as a Registered Behavior Technician and Case Manager. Through LifeWays CMH, Grace now teaches individuals in the community Adult and Pediatric CPR/FA/AED, Basic Life Support, Safety Care, and Mental Health First Aid.
Denae Tracy
Clinical Training Supervisor
Denae is a Social Worker who has a passion for developing others and helping them fulfill their greatest potential. She graduated from Grand Valley State University with her BSW and earned her MSW at Eastern Michigan University. She has worked at LifeWays for the past 9 years serving individuals experiencing mental health and/or substance use challenges. Her experience includes providing crisis intervention services, conducting biopsychosocial assessments, and implementing trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) with children who have been impacted by a traumatic event. Denae is currently the Clinical Training Supervisor at LifeWays and uses her passion to equip staff members with skills and knowledge to provide effective behavioral health care.
Branda Page, MS, BSN, RN, CAADC-DC, CPRC
Program Manager, JXN Harm Reduction
Home of New Vision
Branda Page, MS, BSN, RN, CAADC-DP, CPRC graduated with a master’s in Addiction Studies at Capella University in March of 2023 and has finished three years toward a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree at U of M – Flint. As the program manager at Home of New Vision JXN Harm Reduction, Branda provides real-life solutions and education to reduce the harmful effects of overdose, limit the spread of disease, and mitigate all other risks associated with substance use.
John Grzesikowski, CPRC
Outreach Specialist
Home of New Vision
John Grzesikowski, CPRC, is an Outreach Specialist at Home of New Vision JXN Harm Reduction. He is committed to directing working with those still struggling with substance use and brings hope and lived experience to show that recovery is possible.
Rachael Snyder
Clinical Training Specialist
Rachael Snyder is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) who obtained her Master of Arts (MA) in Counseling from Spring Arbor University with a focus on Clinical Practice. Rachael has been providing therapy and crisis services since 2014 through a multitude of clinical experiences including working with adults and children experiencing serious mental illness, serious emotional disturbance, intellectual/developmental disability, and/or substance use disorder. Rachael is currently a Clinical Training Specialist at LifeWays and is excited to help others grow and develop in order to better serve our community.
Trooper Joshua Tinkle
Detective Trooper
Michigan State Police, Marijuana and Tobacco Investigation Section
Trooper Joshua Tinkle is a detective with the Michigan State Police Marijuana and Tobacco Investigation Section Since 2019, currently investigating administrative and criminal violations of Michigan marijuana laws. Josh has investigated and consulted in over 100 drug investigations with narcotics teams across the state, such as, FBI, DEA, HSI and FDA. Josh also assisted in successful investigations involving homicide, human trafficking, theft rings, financial crimes, and other narcotics trafficking with a nexus to marijuana. Josh has presented on marijuana related issues to several organizations, some including Jackson County DHS, SUDDs, Ingham County Police Chiefs, and military reserve units.
Randy Evans
Veteran Navigator
I am currently the Veteran Navigator for LifeWays, for the past 2 years. I am a Navy Veteran of the Lebanon Conflict. I also Co-Chair the Hillsdale County Veterans Coalition and a member of the Jackson County Military Coalition. I have worked with community resources in both Hillsdale and Jackson Counties to assist connecting to Veterans to needed resources. I and the Veteran Peer Specialists Doug Brinker work in collaboration with various Statewide Veteran resources and the Veteran Affairs Offices to assist our local Veterans.
Doug Brinker
Veteran Peer Support Specialist
Doug is a Lebanon Navy and Army National Guard Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran. He is also a Certified Peer Support Specialist working with Jackson and Hillsdale County Veterans connecting them to a variety of Veteran community resource and a facilitator for VET2VET Support meetings 3 times a week. Doug serves as the Jackson County Military Coalition Co-Chair and participates in the Governor’s Challenge Committees. He is the Department of Michigan VFW Mental Health and Veterans and Military Support Programs Director, Founder of Beacon 4 HOPE LLC. A publishing author in 2024: “My Dark Shadow; From a Suicidal Self to a Purpose of HOPE”! Doug’s Motto: Never Give Up on YOU!
Ken Dail
Alliance Coordinator
Michigan Youth Cannabis Action and Education Alliance
Ken is the owner of K. Dail and Associates LLC, the Director of Michigan-based non-profit Rebranded Community Services, the Coordinator for the Michigan Youth Cannabis Action and Education Alliance - or MYCAEA - and is a MCBAP Certified Prevention Consultant. He has been a part of Michigan’s Substance Abuse/Substance Use Disorder Prevention landscape since his high school days in the 1980’s. He has been working state wide in prevention for 28 years. When he is not working to train and increase the capacity of agencies, organizations, and preventionists, he enjoys spending time with his wife, Jodi, and his two adult sons and their families. He has been an active member of Lansing’s faith community, most recently serving as a member of the leadership team and as a volunteer ordained pastor at Impact Church Lansing.
Martha York
Community Education Coordinator
WellWise Services Area Agency on Aging
Martha York, LBSW, is the Community Education Coordinator for WellWise Services Area Agency on Aging. She runs Evidence-Based Programs for people with chronic health conditions, fall risk, and for people caring for someone with Dementia or Alzheimer’s. Martha is passionate about providing encouragement to people with varying backgrounds, health challenges, and caregiver roles to optimize their ability to still do what they want to do in life and to equip them to feel successful in their efforts to provide supportive living environments. She also writes a daily blog for people managing anxiety called www.spokentome.com.
Adam Grant
Executive Director
A Brighter Way
Adam's (he/him) path to ABW has a history of over three decades of incarceration, including 27 straight years for a bank robbery he committed at the age of 22. He knows personally that current recidivism rates do not have to be a foregone conclusion given support, guidance and empathy for people returning from incarceration. He believes that good reentry makes for better public safety, and that if we invest in our returned citizens, there will be A Brighter Way ahead for all of us.
Emme Dreysse
Health Educator
Jackson County Health Department
Emme is a recent graduate from Western Michigan University where she obtained her master in public health. During that time she research the correlation of shame language specifically in the context of evangelical Christians and abortions. Emme lives in Potterville, Michigan with her fiancé and their two dogs.